Posted on 4/7/2016
Car ownership is as much a part of the American dream as the white picket fence. Your car allows you to get to where you need to go quickly and efficiently, and gives you the ability to explore near and far. However, cars also need maintenance and care to keep them running effectively. From oil changes to tire rotation, it takes a lot to keep a car in excellent running condition. One system rarely thought about is the exhaust system. The exhaust system is responsible for taking the extremely hot air from the engine and releasing it in a manner that protects the car. Within the exhaust system is a muffler. Cars without mufflers or with damaged mufflers are very loud. The muffler dampens the sound from the engine to bring it down to a much more reasonable level. Here are some of the things the mechanics at Medlock Gulf listen and look for when they suspect something is amiss with a car’s muffler. One of the biggest signs that a car’s muffler has started to fail ... read more